Silkkikauppias Salamud

Silkkikauppias Salamud (Silk Salesman Salamud) is a dance theatre production for child audience, choreographed by Virve Varjos. During a history class, when teacher tells a story of the mysterious Silk Road, all students fall asleep. They see a dream of Silk Salesman Salamud, who faces many challenges during his travel on Silk Road. I was dancing the role of a Camel Salesman with three camels.

Choreography: Virve Varjos
Genre: Dance theatre
Performances: 21st to 23rd of January 2013, Kuopion Musiikkikeskus, Kuopio
27-28th of February 2013, Matkus, Kuopio

My blog post: Silkkikauppias Salamud Finland