Kohtaamisia (Encounters) was a community art project with the staff, volunteers, patients and their loved ones in hospice care. As a dancer-musician duet we toured most of the Finnish hospice homes, offering the dying patients a chance to enjoy music and movement in the way that they wanted. The end of life care has the most fragile patients and the work can be mentally demanding for the staff, too. We received feedback that our work brought joy and some change of pace for the hospice care routines.

Copyright © 2018 Terhi Töyry Photography

Dance and tenor saxophone: Jeriko Fox
Cello: Hanna Kilpinen

Karinakoti, Turku 16.-17.07.2018
Koivikko-koti, Hämeenlinna 18.-19.07.2018
Pirkanmaan Hoitokoti, Tampere 20.-23.07.2018

Supported by
Taiteenedistämiskeskus (Arts Promotion Centre Finland)
Terhi Töyry Photography



