Three Colours of Obsession

Three Colours of Obsession is a short film inspired by the Three Colors trilogy by Krzysztof Kieślowski. What it’s like to be a target of an obsession and to lose the liberty, equality and fraternity? One dancer seen on the film is pre-professional and two others are recreational dancers.

Choreography and video: Jeriko Fox
Dancers: Helinä Kareinen (Red), Katariina Jussila (Blue), Ella Könönen (White)
Music: The Naked and Famous – Girls Like You, Nouvelle Vague – The Killing Moon, Tori Amos – Me and a Gun
Live performance: 25.08.2013 Lappeenrannan Tanssiopisto, Lappeenranta
Film screening: Teot-event 23-26th of April 2014, Sotku, Kuopio

My blog post: Three Colours of Obsession Finland
